This Could Not Possibly Fail to Cheer You Up

I’ve been absent for a while, but I’m on the mend. Let’s celebrate with possibly one of the best things the internet has to offer. Miners get sacked for the Harlem Shake, but soldiers in Afghanistan show you where it’s really at….

About ohhellwhatthehell

I like gin, mittens and otters, not necessarily in that order. Here's some stuff I felt like writing down when I'm not chained to a desk writing other things for a living. Please use caution when using this site; there may be sweary words, cute animals and general bullshit. Don't say I didn't fucking warn you.
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2 Responses to This Could Not Possibly Fail to Cheer You Up

  1. Georgia says:

    Glad to see you’re on the up – on the other hand, this song is now stuck in head… Xxx

  2. Georgia – caring is sharing. I’m actually considering downloading the goddamn thing to play it out of my head! x

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